Creating Kids Who Can

Welcome to our blog where award-winning child therapist, Frances Weston, shares advice for parents. Its aim is to help parents help their children manage and express difficult feelings and cope with life's challenges well, so they can feel happy and confident and experience positive mental health.

The Impact of Bereavement on Young Children

In this week's video - which is the second part of this mini-series on the subject of bereavement...

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How Bereavement Affects Children
The loss of a parent, sibling, other close family member, special friend or even a teacher they...
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Helping Your Child Cope With Worries About Death and Dying
The subject of death and dying is one that many children worry about, in fact it even has a name...
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What to do when your anxious child can't get to sleep on their own


This week I have made a video all about children who find it hard to fall asleep on their...

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Are You Worried That Your Partner's Anxiety May Be Affecting Your Child?

If your partner suffers from anxiety, you may be concerned that it may be influencing your child...

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Helping Your Child Cope With Separation Anxiety

I recently received a message from a parent asking if I could address the topic...

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Using Affirmations To Help Your Child Achieve Their Goals
Would you like to learn a simple strategy that you can teach your child to help them achieve...
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How Goal Setting Can Boost Your Child's Self Esteem

Have you ever set a goal for yourself - personal or professional - and experienced the wonderful...

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How Was 2021 For Your Child?
Welcome to this week's blog, in which I share a powerful process to help your child reflect on...
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How To Help Your Child Cope With Big Feelings At Christmas Time
While Christmas is a magical time of year for most children, it can be a very difficult...
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Helping Children Cope With Change: Part Six - Going To A New School
Starting school for the first time, or going to a new school at any point in the childhood or...
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Helping Children Cope With Change: Part Five - Parents New Partner
Knowing how and when to introduce your child to a new partner - either yours or your ex-partner's...
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