Introducing . . .

. . .the most comprehensive programme for helping children aged 5-13 manage anxiety

(no matter what type of anxiety it is, how long its been going on or how challenging it may feel)

FROM FEARFUL TO FEARLESS not only shows your child exactly how to manage and overcome their anxiety, but also teaches you exactly how to support them on their journey to becoming more confident and carefree.

Before I Tell You All About This Life-Changing Programme, Let's Talk About Who This Is Really For . . .  

Do any of these describe you?

  • You hate to see your anxious child struggling with their anxiety, and the negative impact it's having on their life and you'd do anything to help them, but you're not sure what the best approach to take is (there's so much conflicting advice out there and the path isn't clear!)
  •  You're at your wits end - feeling like you have already tried everything, and nothing works!
  • You're wondering if your child needs to see a psychologist or therapist, but you're worried about the cost or how long you might have to wait to be seen.
  • You're worried about what the future holds for your child if their anxiety doesn't get any better 
  • Your child's anxiety is not only impacting their life, but it's also disrupting the lives of the rest of the family 
  • You and your partner don't always agree on the best way to handle your anxious child, leading to inconsistency and possibly conflict
  • In your darkest times you worry that you might be a bad parent because your child has anxiety or because you can't seem to fix it (you're not!)

If you recognise yourself in ANY of the above statements, then you're in the right place! I'm going to tell you how From Fearful to Fearless will give you the tools, inspiration and unparalleled support you need to guide your anxious child.

But this isn't just a course for parents . . . I'll also tell you how From Fearful to Fearless will give your child all the tools and guidance and support they need to overcome their fears, and feel happier and more confident.

Anxiety in children is a growing problem, affecting many aspects of their life and stopping them from having a normal, happy childhood. Research also shows that untreated anxiety can also lead to more serious mental health problems developing later in your child's life.

But it doesn't have to be this way!

The good news is that anxiety is very treatable - particularly if you catch it as early as possible

FROM FEARFUL TO FEARLESS will bring about a powerful transformation in your child in two ways:

Firstly, by helping you develop skills to understand and manage their anxiety, and offering you loads of support along the way.

And secondly, by helping your child to understand their own anxiety and teaching them proven strategies to manage and overcome it, as well as offering them lots of support and reassurance too.

Working with both you and your child in this way will ensure that they overcome their anxiety and feel fearless, happy and self-assured. And it represents great value for you as well, as you are essentially investing in  TWO  courses for the price of one! 

  • The course contains 6 modules spread over 8 weeks (we have two implementation weeks to give your child time to practice what they are learning). Each module has videos for your child, separate videos for you, downloadable resources and a workbook for your child. 
  • Childrens’ videos include a teaching section to help them understand their anxiety and learn super effective ways to manage and reduce it. Our lovely therapy dog, Bertha features in the videos, together with some puppets to help your child engage with the teaching, and enjoy watching the videos. 
  • Parents' videos share lots of helpful factual information about childhood anxiety, along with advice on how to help your child implement the strategies they are learning, and tips on other ways to strengthen their resilience and emotional wellbeing. I'll be sharing hints on what to say and what not to say to your anxious child, and tips on how to support your child to engage with the course videos, and share their thoughts and feelings with you.

After completing this course, YOUR CHILD will:

Feel safer, happier and be able to live life to the full

Have increased confidence and feel fearless!

Be willing to step out of their comfort zone

Your Child Will Also

Feel peaceful and calm instead of living in a state of high alert 

Feel able to do what their friends do without worrying and tying themselves up in knots

Not be so concerned about being ‘perfect’

Be more able to laugh, play and live a normal life

Achieve their full potential in life

Stop worrying about what people think of them

Not need Mum/Dad with them all the time

Fall asleep easily

Be free from phobias

Be able to manage their emotions and talk more easily about how they feel

Improve their relationships with family, friends and teachers

Be more relaxed and easy-going 

Feel less isolated as they are able to join in normal activities without fear 

Believe in themselves 


After completing this course, YOU will:  

Know that your child has the right skills and strategies to manage their anxiety

Feel confident that you’ve done everything you can as a parent to support them

No longer need to 'walk on eggshells' around your child

Feel able to go out as a family without worrying

Enjoy more quality time together

Feel more confident and empowered as a parent

Stop worrying about your child and what might happen to them in the future

Be able to enjoy your child and your life together again

Be free of any conflict around the management of your child

Enjoy a more relaxed a peaceful home

"The techniques provided by Frances had a positive effect on (name of child) resulting in less outbursts and (name of child) beginning to self-regulate more effectively and seeking alternative methods (as provided by Frances) to display their emotions. The vast experience and therapeutic interventions that can be offered by Frances ensure that appropriate support can always be delivered to support children to achieve positive outcomes. We would highly recommend Frances Weston to provide therapeutic support for any young person who may be in need of this"

Wayne Barker
Manager of Children's Residential Home

Here's What Parents Are Saying About FROM FEARFUL TO FEARLESS:

(names have been excluded to preserve client confidentiality)

He is now in school full time

"Prior to the course my son had long term struggles with emotional regulation and understanding which displayed as physical outbursts and extreme anxiety, including school refusal on and off for many years.  He is now in school full time and we have seen a real change in his understanding of feelings and his emotional regulation, as well as a much happier and settled home environment. We have not had physical outbursts for months now . . . the skills and knowledge we have gained has been life-changing and is something we can continue using to help us navigate our way positively through any future obstacles"

She enjoyed the videos and looked forward to them

“ She said writing her worries down and then us talking about them helped her. One day she came home from school very quiet, but said she was ok, whilst doing a bit of the course it encouraged her worry to come out and we could deal with it, so that really helped. She loves the relaxation techniques”

We have definitely seen positive changes and a reduction in his anxiety

"It is an incredibly helpful tool to be able to help both my children - and us as a whole family  - and we are all using the techniques together to help embed them and help them become instinctive behaviours. We have definitely seen positive changes and a reduction in his anxiety, so it's been a very positive experience. A very big thank you from us!"


It also made him see he could try to think about things differently.

"My son was very attached to me, he cried when he had to leave me for school or contact with his father, would wake often in the night and would return from contact with his father quite angry, with mood swings. The course gave him the encouragement to talk about his feelings and understand them a little. It also made him see he could try to think about things differently."

I would definitely recommend this course, its fantastic!

"My daughter had suffered from general anxiety for a while; she wouldn't sleep alone, had dark thoughts and meltdowns. The course has helped her to understand why she has emotional and angry outbursts and resolve these outbursts. She now also recognises when it's happening and will talk about it, so that we can go through it together. I would definitely recommend this course, it's fantastic!"

Now let's have a more in-depth look at what's included in FROM FEARFUL TO FEARLESS . . .


Here's a breakdown of the Children's modules : 

  • Module One - Understanding Anxiety in this module your child learns all about anxiety - what it is, what happening in their body when they are anxious (and why its not their fault!), and the most common fears and worries children can have.  This all serves to reassure your child and let them know they are not alone with their struggles.  

  • Module Two - Understanding YOUR Anxiety Here your child will learn to recognise the signs of anxiety in their own body, and where their anxiety may have come from. This knowledge helps to set your child up for success and ensures they engage with the rest of the course effectively. 

  • Module Three - Simple Ways To Start Feeling Better this module focuses on encouraging your child to adopt some healthy self-care habits that will lessen their anxiety. These are presented in an engaging way to ensure your child is more willing to give them a try and reap the benefits. 

  • Module Four - Learning to calm your fight, flight or freeze response In this module your child will learn all about my 2 part system for calming their limbic system, so they know how to 'reset' themselves when their fight, flight or freeze response gets accidentally triggered by their anxiety. They learn to see their reactions as something they can learn to manage so they no longer have to avoid situations that may trigger them, and can begin finding their confidence and enjoying life again.

  • Module Five - Training Your Brain Not to Worry! This empowering module teaches your child all about how to take control of their thinking patterns, and choose patterns that make them feel more courageous and positive. Once your child has learned how to train their brain not to worry in the first place by challenging their thoughts, they are then ready to learn how to finally face their fears in the final section of the module.

  • Module Six - Bringing it all Together in the final module your child will reflect on everything they have learned and celebrate their progress.  They are supported to practice their new skills and believe in themselves, to ensure lasting success. 

And here's a breakdown of the Parent's modules :

  • Module One - Understanding Anxiety we start by setting you up for success by taking a deep dive into exploring exactly anxiety is, how it shows up and what it feels like for your child. Then we look at the different types of anxiety disorders that children can have in.  We also explore the most common psychological, biological and environmental causes of childhood anxiety. Once this foundational knowledge is in place you will be ready to start laser focusing in on your own child’s anxiety in Module 2

  • Module Two - Understanding YOUR Child's Anxiety Here you’ll achieve total clarity on the causes of your child’s anxiety. I’ll help you identify them by sharing some of the tools I use in my therapy practice, Why is this so important? Well, all my experience tells me that its no good throwing a load of solutions at a problem, if we don’t understand what’s likely caused the problem in the first place – some of them may work, but that’s more down to luck than design! And often one symptom may settle only to be replaced by something new a few days or weeks later.  When we start with looking at the root causes rather than just treating the symptoms, and resolve the causes first, then we achieve lasting success. And this is what I want for you and your child.   

  • Module Three -Addressing the Causes of Your Child’s Anxiety  Here we explore the different ways to support your anxious child, based on whether their anxiety is primarily caused by Psychological, Biological or Environmental Factors. You'll learn how to create a 'low-stress' environment for your anxious child to help them manage their anxiety.  And you will also find a BONUS EFT training video here (you can read more about this in the section below that explains all the great bonuses that come with the course).

  • Module Four -Managing Your Child’s Anxiety Part 1  We start looking at actionable techniques and strategies designed to focus on calming your anxious child. Once you have learned all about calming your anxious child in the right way using these approaches, and have seen how effective they are, you are ready to progress to Part 2.

  • Module Five - Managing Your Child's Anxiety - Part 2  This is all about training children's brains to think in a more balanced and realistic way to they feel empowered to overcome any unhelpful thoughts and reframe them. In this module I teach you how to help your child recognise their anxious thought patterns; support them to change these; and help them to start facing and overcoming their fears. You will also learn extra strategies to support your child at home and at school.  

  •  Module Six - Bringing it all Together in the final module we will summarise all that you have learnt about your child's anxiety and the best way to manage it, and how to avoid falling in to the 'Cycle of Negative Reinforcement' trap by using everything you have learned in the course going forward.  We will also troubleshoot particularly challenging situations.  We also spend some time looking at how you care for yourself as parenting an anxious child can be exhausting, and parent's needs can often be put on the back burner. 

I'm also including these fabulous bonuses!

Weekly Q & A calls (value £850)

to focus specifically on any queries you may have. You can share any questions or concerns you have about your child and access personalised support from me. Questions can be submitted in advance so you don't have to appear in person if you'd prefer not to.  All calls are recorded so you can listen at a time to suit you.

EFT Training For Parents (value £275)

Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT, also known as tapping, is a wonderful tool to help reduce the intensity of difficult feelings. This video tutorial teaches you everything you need to help you master the technique, and support your child to practise too.

My invaluable list of resources to help anxious children (value £100)

featuring all the products I use or recommend in my therapy practice, this 'kit' list will save you precious time trying to source these items yourself! You can click straight through from the list to an online retailer of your choice and order a product instantly.

3 Months Free Membership of Our Online Community (Value £75)

coming in the summer of 2022, this will be a wonderful resource for any parents interested in nurturing their child’s emotional wellbeing and mental health. When your free 3 months comes to an end you'll be offered the chance to remain a member with reduced monthly fees locked in for life!

Frequently Asked Questions

What people asked before signing up for 'From Fearful To Fearless'

The course contains 6 modules spread over 8 weeks. In each module there are videos for you, and for your child.

It should take no more than an hour and a half per week max for you to work through the videos in both the modules (assuming you watch the children's ones with your child). You and your child don’t have to watch all of the videos in one sitting – but can dip in and out for a few minutes at a time throughout the week if time is at a premium.

There’s no need to worry or feel that you have to complete it in that time.  Here’s some feedback we’ve had from parents about this issue:

“It's such a useful tool for parents and children to be able to engage with in their own time and when they are ready. I think it's a fantastic resource which will enable families to progress at their own pace . . .” 

“I love the fact that you can move through the course alongside your child, and at a pace that suits the busy household timetable!”

“Really helpful, friendly and informative videos. I like the length of each video as I find it easy to fit into the day and helps me to remember the information in each video.”

The idea is for you to work through it at your own speed – one that suits you and your child.  So even though the course is spread over 8 weeks, we’re going to have 2 implementation weeks which will give you time to put some of what you have learned into practice or do some of the homework (there isn’t much, I promise!) before moving on to the next part.

Furthermore you will have access to all the modules for the lifetime of the course, so you can watch it as many times as you like in the future.

Even if you have tried teaching your child techniques and they have been reluctant to engage, or refused to do them, my experience with the parents who have taken the course is that their children have been very willing to engage and practice all or most of the things I teach them.

I don’t claim any superpower here (well, apart from Bertha of course!) but I think it's just that sometimes children are more responsive to a new person teaching them. That being said, I do offer you advice on how to help your child engage and get the best from their videos in the parents' introduction section, so you can ensure they are set up for success.  

Finally, the feedback I've received from parents who have already taken the course is that their children have loved working them collaboratively on the course (despite their occasional grumbling!) and they have both found it to be a really bonding experience.

The course starts in June 2022 - join the waiting list to be notified as soon as we have a firm date, and you'll get an earlybird discount on the price!

I set the maximum age at 13 because I use hand puppets in the childrens' videos and felt teenagers might see them as childish and not want to engage with them.  Having said some teenagers are happy with suspending disbelief!

It really depends on what you think you child would find acceptable.  If you think they will still enjoy the videos then do join us!

Don't be shy . . . just email me at [email protected] and I'll be very happy to answer any questions you may have!

Buy With Confidence

I offer a money back guarantee for the course, so you can rest assured that if you and your child can show that you’ve worked through all the modules and activities and don’t see any improvement, I will refund you the course fee in full.

More comments from parents:

  “I am nearly at week 6 of the videos and have found them so engaging and informative. The information is at such an accessible level and is delivered in a really sensitive and understanding way.”


“I love the colours, the room settings in which you record and even your tone of voice is relaxing”
“I thought doing the timeline was brilliant. It really made you think that it’s sometimes an accumulation of events and not just one that can cause issues”


“I really like how the videos are broken down into sections to separate the content. I found the information so interesting and it has really helped develop my understanding of my child's anxiety as well as my own. The videos provided practical helpful techniques to use going forward, no matter what life experiences we encounter as a family.”
“He likes the music and cartoon dog intro, he also likes seeing Bertha. He finds the puppets entertaining!” 

Should you decide to accept my invitation to join FROM FEARFUL TO FEARLESS with your child, I personally guarantee that it will be completely and utterly life-changing for you both, and your family.

I really hope you will give your child the opportunity to learn the skills and techniques I'll be sharing in the course because they will not only help them now, but for the rest of their lives.

I look forward to meeting you personally inside the course, and can't wait to work with you and your child!

Warmest wishes, Frances Weston


Just click below to join the waiting list ready for our next enrolment in June 2022.


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